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Creating a Google Colab Assignment in Vocareum
Creating a Google Colab Assignment in Vocareum

Guide on how to create and publish a Google Colab assignment in Vocareum.

Written by Kevin Wesley
Updated over 3 weeks ago

Designing A Colab Assignment

Assignment Creation

  1. From your course page select "Edit Assignment" then "New Assignment".

  2. Create a name for the assignment and select your lab type. In this case we've called it "Colab" and selected the lab type "Colab". Press "Save and continue".

  3. Now that your first Part has been created, return to the Assignment settings.

Configure Workspace

Now that your Assignment has been created you'll want to populate it with content.

  1. Select Configure Workspace. This will open the teacher authoring environment.

  2. This is where you will be able to upload, create and deliver content and data to your students' Colab environment.

  3. The authoring environment is using the Vocareum Notebook UI. You can create and upload Python notebooks in this environment.

  4. To the left is the 'Files' browser. You can deliver content a few different ways from here. More detail on Vocareum's file system can be found here.

  5. If you would like to see how your lab will look to your students in Colab, navigate to the top right and select 'Student View'.

Student View

Instructors and Admins can access a simulated version of the student environment to test their coursework. From either the assignment settings page or the instructor workspace select "Student View" to open.

  1. Following the instructions in the Quickstart document select 'Sign In' on the left navbar to open Colab. Or if you are already signed in to Google Colab select 'Colab' in the same place.

  2. Colab will open in a new tab in your browser, where students can instantly access their coursework. The Colab environment will still run if you exit out of the Vocareum lab. But if a student needs to submit their work or need to launch Colab again, then they will need to do so from the Vocareum lab.

    1. When students are ready to submit their coursework they just need to select 'Submit' on the top right of the Vocareum workspace and a copy of their current workspace will be sent to Vocareum for manual grading or autograding.

      A modal will pop up asking if you would like to submit your work and reminding you to save your work (cmd + s on Mac, ctrl + s on Windows).

      Students will be alerted once their assignment has been submitted.

  3. Students are able to view grades, due dates, submissions and feedback from the Grades panel. Note: In 'Student View' submissions are not recorded.

Tutorial Mode

  1. Below the Files browser is the Tutorial button. Activating the tutorial will give you a more in depth walkthrough of the features in 'Configure Workspace'.

  2. Once selected a modal will appear asking you to confirm that you want to start the tutorial.

  3. Now you will be presented with a modal to start the tour. This interactive tour is overlayed on top of your Vocareum environment to better help understand the assignment flow.

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