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Configure LTI 1.1 in Your Course

Integrate Vocareum with your Learning Management System (LMS) using version 1.1 of the Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) standard.

Written by Kevin Wesley
Updated over 2 months ago

Configuring LTI 1.1

  1. Go to your course and select Settings which take you to the page where all the course specific parameters can be set. Turn LTI to ON to indicate to Vocareum that you intend to integrate this course to an LTI consumer.

  2. There are a few other LTI specific settings available as well

    1. Show All Assignments - should be OFF if you want Vocareum to only show the assignment that the student clicked on in their LMS. If ON, students can navigate to other published assignments from their Vocareum window.

    2. Auto Create Sections - If set, the section to which the student is enrolled will be created automatically based on the LTI parameter. 'lis_course_offering_sourcedid' which is SIS ID of the course.

    3. Send Total Score (Canvas) - relevant only for Canvas but if set to true, the total score will be sent to LMS instead of a number between 0.0 to 1.0.

  3. Select "View" to get the "Secret" and "Key". These are automatically created by Vocareum and you will need this information in your LMS setup to record Vocareum as LTI producer.

  4. Now that you have the Secret, Key and Launch URL follow the instructions provided by your LMS for the next steps on how to use these in your LMS.

  5. Once set up on your LMS, the LTI links for each assignment will be located in their respective settings within the Vocareum course page.

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