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Plagiarism Detection
David avatar
Written by David
Updated over a week ago

For Teachers and Admins

The Vocareum Platform gives you the ability to compare a student's submission with that of any other student in the current class. It also lets you upload code from previous classes or any other source to compare as well.

To use this feature, navigate to your course, open the Submissions tab, and then click Plagiarism. Select the assignment you would like to analyze in the upper left corner of the Plagiarism window.

The interface requires you to define which files should be analyzed based on their file extension(s). You may also choose to exclude any content you expect to appear in all student submissions by uploading it to the Common Files section.

By default, the plagiarism analysis tool compares each student's code against all the other student submissions in their class for the selected assignment. If you wish to compare current student submissions to past student submissions or any other files, upload the additional content to the Reference Files section.

When you have completed the setup steps, click the "Start analysis" button.

Once the analysis is complete, you can click on "Details" for each student submission to review the code blocks that have been identified as similar.

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