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edX LTI Setup

LTI integration with edX/open-edX

David avatar
Written by David
Updated over 4 years ago

Vocareum is integrated to edX through LTI 1.1. Please see the section on LTI for details on how to configure Vocareum platform for LTI integration.

Information on how to configure edX to accept LTI providers is described here. Below is a summary of the steps needed -

  • To create the LTI passport strings for your edX environment, use the secret and key provided when you select "LTI Details" in the course Settings page. If the LTI Details button is not visible, turn LTI to on by selecting "Settings".

  • Select "LTI details" to get the Key and Secret - 

  • Locate "LTI Passports" under Advanced Settings in your edX Studio Settings.

  • Create LTI Passports by appending Course LTI Id, LTI Key and LTI Secret from the LTI details as presented in previous step. For example, in the above example LTI Passports string would be "Vocareum_LTI_Course:vc_2_0_VOC_17_01_10key5875090651b48:cc52ff40974c1295"                                                                                                                                In this example Vocareum_LTI_Course is an LTI ID that you create for the course which you will need in the steps below to identify the course.

  • Retrieve the LTI URL for the assignment from "LTI Link" field under Option. 

  • To add this assignment to your Unit in edX, select "Advanced" under "Add New Component" - 

  • Now select "Edit" to enter LTI ID and LTI URL. Note that LTI ID needs to be the same as your LTI Passport Strings and LTI URL is retrieved from Vocareum under "Advanced Options" as described earlier. 

Enabling the user's email to be passed to Vocareum

There is a setting 'Request user’s email' in the above "Edit" options which enables edX to send the learner’s email address to Vocareum on the Launch.

By default, this setting is not available in Studio.

  • If you are using edX - To make this setting available, you might have to contact your edX partner manager.

  • In case you are using your open-edX instance, you can make this setting enable by going to Studio Django admin console. You have to login to your site's Django Administration area. This can be reached by adding /admin to the end of your Studio URL.
    Locate the Xblock_config section, and click Course edit lti fields enabled
    flags. If the course you wish to enable these fields for is missing from the list,
    click the Add course edit lti fields enable flag button to add your course.

    Enter the full course ID, and ensure that the Enabled checkbox is checked
    to enable the LTI fields for your course.

Once this is done, the settings will become available and you can set it to true.

Troubleshooting students not seeing their progress report updated

  • Make sure that "Publish grades" is set to ON in Options for the assignment in Vocareum. You can manually push the grades by going to Dashboard=>Export=>Push grade to LTI to send grades which were not sent.

  • Set "Scored" to True under LTI Component settings on edX. By default this value it set to False and that would prevent edX from receiving scores from Vocareum.

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