You can create a networked collection of VM and provide secure access to the machines using Vocareum's VM lab.
Your organization has to be enabled by Vocareum to use VM lab. Please contact your Vocareum representative if you want to enable your account with VM lab support.
You need to have org admin privilege in your organization to be able to share an AMI with Vocareum and then "register" it.
First go to the "Edit Org" page for your org
Sharing AMI
Find the AWS account assignment to you on the page. You need to first create the AMI in your own AWS account. You need to share all the AMIs with this account.
Click "Register VM Images" which will take you to a page where you can define the images.
This step tells Vocareum about how the image should be accessed. Click "Add Image"
Specify the following sections for the image -
You will be given the list of AMIs available in the account to choose from. If you shared an AMI, it should show up in the list.
Access name:
You can specify the name of the service by which the user will access this image. You can use more than one service. For example, if the AMI launches a web server on port 80 and a desktop server on port 3389, you should both of these services here.
In the next element select one of the protocols for this service.
Specify the port number which the service is listening on.
Saving the image
Select "Save Configuration" to save the configuration. You edit the configuration later by selecting it from the list of images.