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All CollectionsDocker containers
Ubuntu 1804 container (installed software)
Ubuntu 1804 container (installed software)

For Teachers

Jagmeet Singh avatar
Written by Jagmeet Singh
Updated over 3 years ago

Python (3.7)

Java (11)

- OpenJdk 14 (/opt/java)

Node.js (10.15.3)

+ popular modules like Angular, React, Bootstrap, etc. (in /node_modules, /usr/local/lib/node_modules)


Git (2.17.1)

Maven (3.6.3)

Junit (5)

- /opt/jnuit5, usr/share/java

Wireshark (3.2.4)

Springboot (2.3.1)

Postman (7.26.1)


- cli

- node/python sdk

Dotnet (3.1)

- usage:

$ dotnet

Xunit (2.4.1)

- usage:

$ dotnet xunit ...

Jenkins (2.263.3)

- port: 8081

- usage:

url: http://localhost:8081

Tomcat (10.0.0)

- usage:

url: http://localhost:8082


- usage:

url: http://localhost:9000

username/password: admin/admin




Visual Studio (1.46.1)

- usage:

Menu: Applications -> Development -> Visual Studio Code

Netbeans (8.2)

- usage:

Menu: Applications -> Development -> NetBeans IDE 8.2

Intellij (2020.1.2)

- usage:

$ /opt/idea/bin/

Eclipse (2020-06 (4.16.0))

- usage:

$ /opt/eclipse/eclipse

Theia (1.1)


- port: 27017

- usage:

$ mongo


- port: 5432

- usage:

- set password (one time)

$ sudo -u postgres psql postgres

# postgres=# \password postgres

# Enter new password:

# Enter it again:

- to use it after that:

$ psql -U postgres -h localhost

# Password for user postgres: <enter the password set earlier>

Mysql (8.0.20)

- port: 3306

- usage:

$ mysql -u root

MS Sql Server 2019

- port: 1433

- usage:

$ sqlcmd -U sa -P sa_mssql_2019 -S localhost

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