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Grace Period

The Grace Period feature allows AWS labs to continue to run after course expires or budget is exceeded.

Written by Kevin Wesley
Updated over a week ago

When the Grace Period feature is ON and an expired/over budget lab has not reached the grace period conditions, cleanup/stop action will be skipped. The grace period handling/cleanup is triggered by the periodic bill file processing.

The Grace Period feature can be found in the edit org settings

Under the AWS Misc. section.

Allows Org admin to turn on/off the Grace Period feature and set the grace period conditions.

By default, the Grace Period feature is OFF for an Org.

The Grace Period setting has 3 conditions:

Grace period hour - number of hours after the course expires.

Grace period dollar - the dollar amount over the budget

Grace period percentage - the percentage of the budget

The Grace Period handling is triggered during Bill file processing. If the feature is OFF, it works as before. The account will be cleaned up if the budget is exceeded or the course has expired.

If the feature is ON, no cleanup action will be taken unless one of the three Grace period conditions is reached.

If any of the 3 fields is left to be a value of 0, then the condition is not considered during Bill file processing.

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