
Creating a Databricks assignment in Vocareum

Written by Kevin Wesley
Updated over a week ago

Container Architecture lab types are in general release. Please contact to set up a compatible course.

Creating a Databricks Assignment

From your course page select "Edit Assignments" and "New Assignment" below.

Enter the assignment name and select "Save and continue".

Next create a part for the new assignment. Selecting "+" under Parts.

Give the part a name and hit "Save Part".

Configure Workspace and File System

Now that your Databricks assignment is created select Configure Workspace to launch the "Teacher View".

On the left side of the IDE is the file tree. Here is a list of all directories that are created by the platform -

  • /voc/course - common to the entire course and not visible to learners

  • /voc/data - lab level directory which is visible to the learner

  • /voc/docs - should go here

  • /voc/private - this is a directory for storing lab level resources not visible to the learners

  • /voc/public - lab level directory which is visible to the learner

  • /voc/scripts - store grading scripts here as

  • /voc/startercode - store all the content here which is copied to the /home/labsuser directory for the learner

  • /home/labsuser - used for creating before running "Generate Quiz" operation. This directory can also be used to develop and test startercode, scripts, etc.


Scripts are enabled within the Course level settings, under the section Databricks.

Within the Part level settings you will have the option to set the maximum number of users in a workspace. As well as the ability to set End Lab functionality to either stop resources created by the user, to start again in another session. Or terminate them entirely.

Detailed documentation on scripts can be found here

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