The glossary is in a logically grouped order designed to ensure the definitions of terms appearing in the list do not depend on terms appearing later in the list:
Vocareum Application: A SAAS web aplication that comprises the Vocareum product.
Customer: An institution that has a direct business relationship with Vocareum.
User: A person who has an account in the Vocareum application.
Organization: An entity to consolidate and manage a set of users, courses and resources. A Customer may have one or more organizations.
Administrator: A user who has been designated to manage an organization.
Student or Learner: A user that has been enrolled into the Vocareum platform and tasked to complete assignments and labs.
Teacher or Instructor: A user that has privileges to create assignments and manage course operations.
Teaching Assistant (TA): A user that has privileges to review and assess student work.
Peer: A student that is enrolled in the same course as another student.
Team: A group of one or more students who complete an assignment together.
Custom Role: A set of permissions defined at the organization level that may be assigned to a user.
Learning Management System (LMS): A software application used to manage certain learning processes. The Vocareum Application is typically integrated into 3rd party LMS, like Canvas, Docebo, edX, Moodle, etc.
Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI): A specification that defines how the Vocareum Application may be integrated with 3rd party LMS's.
Course: A collection of assignments, users, resources and grades.
Assignment or Lab: A collection of one or more parts that define a set of activities for students.
Part: An activity for students that may include the Student IDE, resources and assessments.
Resources: A set of compute or data resources that are defined at the part- or organization-level. Part-level resources are assigned to a single student. Organization-level resources are shared among students in the organization's courses.
Student IDE: The user interface that is presented by the Vocareum application to the student. This is the development environment that the learner interacts with to complete an assigned activity.
Teacher IDE: The user interface that is presented by the Vocareum application to the teacher for configuring an assignment (or lab).
Student View: The user interface that presents the teacher with a Student IDE and student experience.
Student Workarea: The persistent storage environment for a student in an assignment.
Submission: A copy of the student work that is saved in the Vocareum application when the student clicks the "Submit" button in the Student IDE.
Startercode: A set of files that is delivered to the student workarea when an assignment is first started.
Grading Script: A shell script that is executed against a student submission and provides a grade which may be passsed back to an LMS via LTI.
Lab Scripts: A set of scripts that may be used to setup or teardown lab environments.
Fleets: A set of resources that may be launched ahead of learner arrival (a.k.a. warm or hot pools)
Session: A period of time when a learner enters a lab to when they exit the lab.
Session Time: The amount of time a learner is granted to complete a lab in a single session.
Clone by Reference: When a course or assignment is cloned by reference, changes to the originating object will be reflected to the clone.
Clone by Copy. When a course or assignment is cloned by copy, changes to the originating object will not be reflected to the clone.