VOC_COURSEID - Vocareum course-id for the course.
VOC_ASSIGNMENTID - Vocareum ID for the assignment.
VOC_PARTID - Vocareum ID for the part.
VOC_USERID - Unique Vocareum ID of the user/learner.
VOC_USER_EMAIL - Email address of the user. Can also use VOC_EMAIL_ID
VOC_INITIATORID & VOC_INITIATOR_EMAIL - Used to identify which team member submitted a team assignment.
VOC_LTI_USER_ID - LTI user ID passed via LTI launch.
VOC_SUBMISSION_COUNT - Submission count.
VOC_PKG_DIR - Where course python packages get installed.
VOC_PARTVERSION - Identify the version which the learner selected (in case of multiple versions)