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Schoolyear integration

Written by Kevin Wesley
Updated over a week ago

By supplying their own API key organizations can integrate Schoolyear exam browser with a Vocareum assignment.

From the Assignment settings, scroll down to "Exam Mode".

When toggled on, exam mode options are presented. Select Proctored and Schoolyear from the dropdown.

Please note that Exam Mode can only be turned on or off when the assignment is in an "unpublished" state.

Once Schoolyear is selected, you are presented with options to set the Exam Start Time and Exam Duration

Once your assignment is setup and you publish, Schoolyear controls are made available:

  • Settings - Instructor will be brought to the quick settings in their Schoolyear instance for the assignment.

  • Dashboard - Instructor will be brought to the Schoolyear Dashboard for the assignment.

  • Archive - Disable Schoolyear integration for the lab on the Schoolyear end

  • Disable Validation - Disable Schoolyear exam browser on Vocareum, allowing students to bypass Schoolyear to work on their exam.

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