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AWS Service Limits
Written by Kevin Wesley
Updated over 5 months ago

Check Concurrent Resources (Master flag for concurrency check)

  • Toggle on to enable Sagemaker, Lambda and Redshift concurrency checks. When toggled off the individual flags for Sagemaker, Lambda and Redshift cannot be turned on. This does not affect EC2 and Codebuild.

EC2 concurrency check

  • Toggle on to enforce EC2 limits

EC2 Limit Includes stopped count

  • When toggled on, both running and stopped EC2 instances are counted. When toggled off, only running EC2 instances are counted

Concurrent EC2 Limit

  • If the set limit is exceeded, extra EC2 instances will be terminated

Fraud EC2 Limit

  • If the set limit is exceeded, the account will be flagged as fraudulent and deactivated

  • When flagged the account status = 5

Codebuild concurrency check

  • Toggle on to enforce concurrent Codebuild job limit

Codebuilder Limit

  • If the set limit is exceeded, the account will be flagged as fraudulent and deactivated

  • When flagged the account status = 13

Sagemaker concurrency check

  • Toggle on to enforce concurrent Sagemaker limits

Sagemaker Notebook Limit

  • If the set limit is exceeded, the account will be flagged as fraudulent and deactivated

  • When flagged the account status = 16

Sagemaker App Limit

  • If the set limit is exceeded, the account will be flagged as fraudulent and deactivated

  • When flagged the account status = 16

Lambda concurrency check

  • Toggle on to enforce concurrent Lambda limits

Lambda Limit

  • If the set limit is is exceeded the account will be flagged as fraudulent and deactivated

  • When flagged the account status = 14

Redshift concurrency check

  • Toggle on to enforce concurrent Redshift limits

Redshift Cluster node size

  • If the number of nodes exceeds the set limit, the account will be flagged as fraudulent and deactivated

  • When flagged the account status = 19

Redshift Cluster node types

  • If the node type is not in the allowed list, the account will be flagged as fraudulent and deactivated

  • When flagged the account status = 19

Bedrock Concurrency Check

  • Toggle on to enforce concurrent Bedrock limits

Bedrock Input Token Limit

  • If the number of bedrock input tokens exceed the set limit, the account will be flagged as fraudulent and deactivated

  • When flagged the account status = 20

Bedrock Output Token Limit

  • If the number of bedrock output tokens exceed the set limit, the account will be flagged as fraudulent and deactivated

  • When flagged the account status = 20

Bedrock Output Image Limit

  • If the number of bedrock output images exceed the set limit, the account will be flagged as fraudulent and deactivated

  • When flagged the account status = 20

Rekognition Concurrency Check

  • Toggle on to enforce concurrent Rekognition limits

Rekognition Detected Face Limit

  • If the number of rekognition faces exceed the set limit, the account will be flagged as fraudulent and deactivated

  • When flagged the account status = 22

Rekognition Detected Label Limit

  • If the number of rekognition labels exceed the set limit, the account will be flagged as fraudulent and deactivated

  • When flagged the account status = 22

Rekognition Max Inference Unit

  • If the number of max inference units exceed the set limit, the account will be flagged as fraudulent and deactivated

  • When flagged the account status = 22

Rekognition Min Inference Unit

  • If the number of min inference units exceed the set limit, the account will be flagged as fraudulent and deactivated

  • When flagged the account status = 22

Rekognition InService Inference Unit

  • If the number of inservice inference units exceed the set limit, the account will be flagged as fraudulent and deactivated

  • When flagged the account status = 22

Glue Concurrency Check

  • Toggle on to enforce concurrent Glue limits

Glue Max Workers

  • If the number of workers across all jobs exceed the set limit, the account will be flagged as fraudulent and deactivated

  • When flagged the account status = 25

Glue Concurrent jobs

  • If the number of concurrent jobs exceed the set limit, the account will be flagged as fraudulent and deactivated

  • When flagged the account status = 25

Glue Worker Types

  • If the worker type is not in the allowed list, the account will be flagged as fraudulent and deactivated

  • When flagged the account status = 25

Fargate Concurrency Check

  • Toggle on to enforce concurrent Fargate limits

Fargate Max vCPU

  • If the number of vCPU exceeds the set limit, the account will be flagged as fraudulent and deactivated

  • When flagged the account status = 26

EKS Concurrency Check

  • Toggle on to enforce concurrent EKS limits

EKS Max Clusters

  • If the number of clusters exceeds the set limit, the account will be flagged as fraudulent and deactivated

  • When flagged the account status =27

EKS Max Nodes

  • If the total number of nodes exceeds the set limit, the account will be flagged as fraudulent and deactivated

  • When flagged the account status =27

S3 Concurrency Check

  • Toggle on to enforce concurrent S3 limits

S3 Bucket Size (aggregate of all buckets)

  • If the aggregate size of all buckets exceed the set limit, the account will be flagged as fraudulent and deactivated

  • When flagged the account status =28

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