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Enrollemnt Tab

Written by Kevin Wesley
Updated over a week ago


The Enrollment page allows you to enroll Students, Teachers and Graders to a Vocareum course.

Enroll Students

  • Enroll students by CSV or manual entry

Enroll students by CSV file

  • The file should have the user's email addresses - one per line as shown below:

    You can specify the CSV header as the first row for the fields as any combination of email, id, name with email being mandatory.

  • The names of these fields are case insensitive e.g. you can use 'email' or 'Email'. The header must be followed by the list of users with the same order of the fields as shown below:

    Email , ID, Name,user101,User101_name,user102,User102_name,user103,User103_name

    Email, ID,user101,user102,user103

Enroll students manually

  • Enter student's Email, and optionally ID and Name

List of students

  • View enrolled students by Name, Email or ID

  • Navigate to Actions to edit student details, or drop a student from the course

Edit student details

  • Edit student's Name, Email, and ID

  • Save your changes

  • Resend Email to resend course invitation

  • View log of resent emails

Email Logs

Add Teachers

  • Add teachers by CSV or manually

Add teachers by CSV file

  • The file should have email addresses, one per line, as shown below

    You can also specify the CSV header as the first row for the fields as any combination of email, name with email being mandatory.

  • The name of these fields are case insensitive e.g. you can use 'email' or 'Email'. The header must be followed by the list of emails and names with the same order of the fields as shown below:

    Email, Name, email101_name, email102_name

Add teachers manually

  • Add teacher's by email or, optionally, by name

List of teachers

  • View teachers by Name and Email

  • Under 'Action' choose to edit the teacher details, or remove them from the course

Edit teacher details

  • Edit the name and email for a teacher

  • Save your changes

  • Resend Email to resend course invitation

  • View log of resent emails

Add Graders

  • Add graders by CSV or manual entry

Add graders by CSV file

  • The file should have email addresses, one per line, as shown below

    You can also specify the CSV header as the first row for the fields as any combination of email, name with email being mandatory.

  • The name of these fields are case insensitive e.g. you can use 'email' or 'Email'. The header must be followed by the list of emails and names with the same order of the fields as shown below:

    Email, Name, email101_name, email102_name

Add graders manually

  • Add grader by email or, optionally, Name

List of graders

  • View list of graders by Name, and Email

  • Under 'Action' choose to edit the grader details, or remove them from the course

Edit grader details

  • Edit grader's Name and Email

  • Save your changes

  • Resend Email to resend course invitation

  • View log of resent emails

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