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VNB File Browser
Written by Kevin Wesley
Updated over a week ago

File Browser

  • The Vocareum File Browser is a file system mounted in the container. The contents of the file browser will serve different purposes depending on which directory they are placed in. Creating a new file, uploading a file, delete and other useful functions can be accessed by right-clicking on a directory in the file browser.





Instructor Only

This directory is common to the entire course and is available only to the grading script.


Read-only for Learners

Place data here to make it available to the learners. For large data sets, it is a more efficient way to deliver data than make it a part of the image or copy to startercode. Every lab gets access to a readonly copy of the data. (An alternative way to release data is during the the Generate Notebook(s) process.)


read-only for learners

Placing your, README.html, README.txt or README.pdf files in this directory will allow them be presented in the learner workarea in a collapsable panel.


Instructor Only

Place necessary course content or data that does not need to be seen by the learner.


Instructor Only

This directory will contain a customizable grading script.


Instructor Only

Course material (such as Notebooks) placed in the startercode directory will be copied to each student's work directory. The first time a student opens their Vocareum Notebook they will have the startercode contents available to work on.


Instructor and Learner

This directory can be used to develop and test coursework, starter code, scripts, etc. Can also be used for creating before running "Generate Quiz" operation.

Learner will also have their on /work directory to work in, but the contents of the instructor work folder will not copy to the learner work folder.

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