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Configuring a VM lab
Written by Ophelia Yue
Updated over a week ago

Once you have shared an AMI and registered one or more images with Vocareum, you can configure a VM lab. VM lab defines one or more virtual machines that is made available to the user. These machines are in a network such that they can communicate with each other and various instances  of these labs created for different users are isolated from each other. Users can access each of these machines via services that are made available by the underlying image and then configured to be made visible by the lab configuration.

To configure the lab, you need to have org admin privilege and your organization must be enabled by Vocareum to define and use VM labs. In order to configure the lab, select  "Configure VM Labs" from the "Edit Org" page or "Configure Org VM labs" from the "Register VM Images" page - 

You will see a list of all the labs you have configured in your org. You can either edit one of the labs, or define a new one by selecting "Create VM lab" 

At this point, you can define the lab 

Lab Name

This is the name of the lab which the teacher can use to instantiate this lab.

You can now add one more hosts for the lab - 

Host Name

This is the name which the platform will use to refer to the machine.


Select from a list of registered images.


Vocareum will show you the list of all accesses that were defined when the image was registered. You can select which of these will be presented to the user. For example, the image itself might launch a web server, a terminal, and a desktop server, but you might want to only make desktop available for a specific course.

Instance Type

Select from one of the available instance types. These are a subset of EC2 instances provided by AWS. If you would like to use an instance type that is not available in this list, please contact Vocareum support.

Data Size

You can leave it blank and default disk size will be used. Custom data size is not supported right but will be available very soon.

When you have configured the lab, select "Save Configuration". You are now ready to instantiate this lab in your course.

Deploying VM Lab in a course

Once you have configured VM labs for your organization, you can enable a course with access to VM lab by turning on VM in the VM Resources section of course setting - 

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