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LTI 1.3 Setup Guide for Canvas

LTI 1.3 Configuration and Setup Guide for Integrating Vocareum into Canvas as a Tool Provider.

Written by Rizzian Tuazon
Updated yesterday

For Admins

In order to enable a Vocareum Course to be accessible through LTI 1.3, refer to the LTI 1.3 Vocareum Course Configuration guide.

Canvas Setup Guide

1. Creating a LTI Key

NOTE: In order to create an LTI Key, 'Developer Keys - Manage' and 'LTI - add/edit/delete' permissions are required. Contact your account admin about setting up an LTI Developer Key if permissions are not met.

On Canvas, navigate to 'Admin' then select the Account the LTI Key will be under.

Go to 'Developer Keys' on the left navigation menu.

The "Developer Keys" page contains a list of your Pre-existing Developer Keys. On the top right, click '+ Developer Key' then select '+ LTI Key'.

The Key Settings Form is now available. Name the Key to any name you'd like and set an owner email. Now, Set the 'Method' to 'Enter URL' and enter the following URL: and save it.

Using the configuration URL above enables the following placements:
- Assignment Selection
- Link Selection
- Course Navigation
(enabling 'Show All Assignments' is ideal for Course

Ensure the key was set up properly editing the newly created key. The Key settings should look similar to the following image:

The 'OpenID Connect Initiation Url', 'Redirect URIs'/'Target Link URI', and 'Public JWK URL' should have automatically been filled with the details previously seen within the 'LTI Details' window during the initial Course Configuration.

After verifying that the LTI Key was correctly set up, change the key's state to "ON".

The Client ID will be used to add Vocareum as an external tool (Tool Provider) to Canvas Courses. Save the Client ID somewhere as you'll need it again in the next Section.

2. Adding Vocareum as an external Tool to a Canvas Course

We can use the Client ID to add Vocareum as a tool provider.

First navigate to the Canvas course you wish to integrate with Vocareum. Then select the Course settings in the Course menu to the left.

Open the Apps page at the top of the settings.

And then open View App Configurations

Click '+ App' and it will open the Add App menu

From the Add App menu set the Configuration Type to 'By Client ID'

Enter the Client ID you saved in the last section from the Developer Key. Select Submit.

A new External App titled 'Vocareum LTI 1.3 Content' will now be available.

Click the cog icon on the right of the External App and click 'Deployment Id'.

Similar to the Client ID, save the Deployment ID somewhere safe as both the Client ID and Deployment ID will be needed in the next sections.

Continue with the setup by following ONLY one of Setup Guides below:

Regular Vocareum Setup: HERE

If the desire is to setup the LTI 1.3 App to be allowed to access all courses under the org, follow this setup guide.

Course-Specific Access Setup: HERE

If the desire is to setup the LTI 1.3 App to only be allowed to access a specific course, follow this setup guide.

Regular Vocareum Setup Guide

Once we have both Client ID and Deployment ID return to Vocareum and access the Organization settings by select 'Edit Org' from the Dashboard.

Scroll down to the 'Authentication' section,. And under 'LTI', click 'Issuers' (to the right of the 'LTI 1.3' label).

Click 'New Issuer' on the top-right hand side of the page.

Fill in the Issuer entry form with the following information. And select Save. Please be mindful of any trailing slashes at the end of your links. They will cause issue with the integration.

Client ID: The Client ID copied from Canvas Developer Keys

• OIDC Authentication: <your organization canvas URL>/api/lti/authorize_redirect

• OAuth Token URL: <your organization canvas URL>/login/oauth2/token

• OAuth Server URL: <Leave Blank for Canvas Issuer Registration>

• Name/Identifier: <name of your choice>

After saving, click 'Deployments' on the top-right of the "Editing LTI issuer entry" page.

Click 'New Deployment'.

Enter the deployment ID you saved from earlier and hit Save.

Course-Level Access Setup Guide

Key Notes

  • A single client ID should only have access to a single Vocareum course.

    • A new client ID would need to be generated for every unique Canvas course.

  • Ensure that the LTI 1.3 App is installed at the course-level on Canvas and not at the instance level.

Course-Level Access Settings

On Vocareum, navigate to the specific course you'd like for the previously generated client/deployment ID to access.

Navigate to the course settings and select 'LTI settings'. Make sure LTI version is selected as v1.3 and click 'Manage Course-Level Access'.

A modal (as shown below) will pop up which will allow for the addition or editing of an 'Issuer'. To proceed, click the 'Add Issuer' button.

You will be presented with the Add/Edit LTI 1.3 Course Issuer/Deployment modal which should present a fillable form as shown below.

Alternatively a previously defined Issuer who has already been given course-level access can be used. Navigate to the 'Use Existing Issuer' tab within the modal which should then allow you to select an existing issuer.

Important Notes:

  • Assigning the same issuer to multiple courses will allow that issuer/app to access all the courses that permits that issuer to access (provisioning subsets of courses).

  • A top-level view of any and all courses a course-level issuer is able to access can be found in the 'LTI Issuers' page within the Organization Settings (Org Admin role required)

When adding a new issuer, the entry form can be filled in with the following information:

Client ID: The Client ID copied from Canvas Developer Keys

• OIDC Authentication: <your organization canvas URL>/api/lti/authorize_redirect

• OAuth Token URL: <your organization canvas URL>/login/oauth2/token

• OAuth Server URL: <Leave Blank for Canvas Issuer Registration>

• Name/Identifier: <name of your choice>

For more information regarding Canvas issuer information, refer to this link.

After the issuer has been successfully registered, the deployment ID will now need to be added

From the Vocareum course's settings ,go to the LTI settings and click on 'Manage Course-Level Access' button again.

From the pop up select 'Manage' under 'Deployments' next to the recently added issuer.

Enter your deployment id in the box that says "New Deployment ID" and press 'Add Deployment ID'

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