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Skilljar Integration Troubleshooting Guide
Skilljar Integration Troubleshooting Guide
Written by Rizzian Tuazon
Updated over a week ago

Please refer to the following articles for guides on how to integrate Vocareum Content into Skilljar:

Troubleshooting Guide

"Preview Mode is not configured" message shows up when viewing a Skilljar Lesson in Preview Mode

In order to use 'Preview' Mode in Skilljar, the 'Preview Mode' option must be toggled on when generating the Skilljar source code.

Important Notes:

  • The generated 'Preview Mode' link only lasts for 5 minutes from the point of generating the Skilljar source code. Another link must be generated after the 5 minute expiration time.

"No Launch Data Found" message shows up within the Skilljar Lesson instead of the Vocareum assignment/lab (for Learners)

When the 'No Launch Data Found' can mean a couple things:

  • The custom data from the Webhook wasn't properly sent to the student upon registering to the course.

    • refer to this guide below.

  • The Vocareum Webhook handler wasn't properly added to Skilljar.

    • refer to this guide below.

'Preview Mode Student' is enrolled within a course.

When generating a 'Preview Mode' link for the first within a course, a 'student' named 'Preview Mode Student' will be enrolled in the course. This user entity is used as the account accessed during 'Preview Mode' in Skilljar.


Manually Syncing Custom Launch Data for Skilljar

Vocareum provides the ability to re-send launch data to specific (or all) students in case of any errors during handling the registration webhook event.

1. Go to the appropriate course settings. Select 'Sync Launch Data' under the 'Skilljar Settings' section.

2. Selecting 'Sync Launch Data' will present the following modal:

  • Sync All Assignments: Setting this option to 'ON' will re-send all custom launch data for all assignments. Setting this option to 'OFF' will allow for the selection of specific assignments to send the custom launch data of.

  • Sync to All Users: Settings this option to 'ON' will re-send the custom launch data to all users. Setting this option to 'OFF' will allow for the selection of specific users to send the custom launch data to.

Once the desired options are selected, click 'Sync Launch Data' to send the launch data over to Skilljar.

Ensuring the Vocareum Webhook Handler was Successfully Added

1. Go to the Skilljar API page here and go to the 'Webhooks' section and go to the 'list' API call and click 'Try it out!'.

2. After clicking 'Try it out!', a modal will show up. Simply Click 'Send Request' in wi9hch a prompt asking for a username and password will show up. Enter your API key in the 'Username' Field and leave the "password' field empty.

3. Once the "GET' request a sent, a response that contains a list of webhooks will appear. Ensure a webhook with the following fields exist:

If a webhook with the following fields don't exist or if the "active" field is set to false, follow this guide to add the Vocareum Webhook Handler for Skilljar.

Still having problems?

If you are still encountering problems please contact Vocareum Support.  Thank you!
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