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GenAI Gateway
Written by Kevin Wesley
Updated over 2 months ago

For Admins

Vocareum GenAI Gateway allows you to efficiently add, distribute, budget, and manage your Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) services. The platform provides a streamlined and secure way to handle your AI access credentials, ensuring that your keys are allocated appropriately and remain protected with optimal control and oversight.

Table of Contents

Navigate to GenAI Gateway

GenAI Gateway can only be accessed by Organization Administrators.

  1. From the Vocareum Courses landing page, click the link labeled "Control Center," which is located above the Courses table.

  2. Select GenAI from the sidebar menu of the Control Center.

  3. In the GenAI section, you will find your Dashboard and GenAI Resources navigation menu.

GenAI Gateway


The Dashboard page of the AI Gateway presents a comprehensive overview of your organization's usage and expenditure of GenAI resources. Additionally, the Dashboard provides detailed breakdowns of daily or monthly spend across various courses within your organization, allowing you to track and manage resource usage efficiently.


You can add and manage API keys from your chosen service providers on the GenAI Services page. Vocareum currently supports the following services:

  • OpenAI

  • Azure

  • Llama

  • Claude

  • Claude Bedrock

  • Gemini

  • Nova

  • Custom GenAI APIs

To add a service, click the "Add Service" button, select the service type, and fill out the corresponding form.

All Service entries require an API key from your provider, a name to identify the Service within your Vocareum Organization, and an overall budget you would like applied to the key.

The forms for some service types, such as Azure and Custom GenAI APIs, also require an API URL endpoint and some details on the available models.

All Services for your Organization are listed in the API Services table below the form.

If the "Key" column contains a green checkbox, the API validation was successful for that entry and you can begin using the Service. If the "Key" column contains a red checkbox, an error occurred during validation.

The VOC Endpoint column lists the API endpoint you will use with all budgeted keys generated by Vocareum for that Service. When you send requests to the VOC Endpoint rather than directly to the service provider, Vocareum is able to enforce your chosen budgets and policies for the service.


On the GenAI Policies page, you can view and manage all Policies in your organization..

When you grant users access to GenAI resources through User Keys or Courses, you will specify a Policy. Policies apply restrictions to Services, such as limiting which models are available to users. You can also use a Policy to bundle access to models from multiple Services.

GenAI Policies section showing two policies: one with the Policy Name OpenAI and status Default, and the second named OpenAI GPT 4 with the status Active.

A Default Policy is automatically generated for each Service you add to GenAI Gateway. Default Policies grant access to all models available from a given Service.

You can add custom Policies by providing a Policy name and specifying which Services to include. Once that step is complete, you can add model restrictions to the Policy as needed.

User Keys

Courses are most the streamlined solution for granting groups of users access to GenAI resources. However, if you wish to distribute a budgeted, managed GenAI key to an individual user, creating a custom User Key is a convenient alternative.

Additionally, a user must have a User Key assigned to them in order to access the GenAI Assistant Builder.

To create a User Key for a new user, follow these steps

  1. From the "Lookup User" bar select "Add New User +"

  2. Create a new user by adding their email address and an account name.

  3. Select 'Enroll New User'

  4. Now that the new user has been registered, select their name from the 'Lookup User+' bar.

  5. Click the 'Generate User Key' button.

  6. Add your Key Name, select the Policy to apply, the date of expiration for the key, and a budget amount.

  7. Click 'Save'

Now the user will have access to a GenAI Key, and you will be able to see their spend, as well as control their allowed budget. They will also be able to access Assistants and the Assistant Builder in the Apps section of your Control Center.

Enable GenAI in a Course

Vocareum Courses offer a streamlined solution for granting groups of users access to GenAI resources.

In a traditional classroom setting, a Vocareum Course is the unit used to manage student access to digital learning sandboxes and assignments. However, Courses can also be used to grant a group of users managed access to custom environments and resources for any purpose, such as research, training, or professional development.

To enable GenAI Resources for a Course:

  1. Locate to the Course in your Courses Dashboard.

  2. Click the Resources button in the Actions cell for your chosen Course.

  3. In the Update Course modal that appears, scroll to the Enable Resources section.

  4. Toggle on GenAI API Key Generation

  5. Select the Part settings and toggle 'Generative AI' on.

  1. Navigate to (or create) the assignment in which you wish to enable GenAI services. Select the Part settings and toggle 'Generative AI' on.

You will be presented with your key, or list of available key. You can then set the budget allowed per student in for this part of the assignment.

Optionally, you can associate a model with each key and set custom budget constraints per prompt and completion.

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